Are you stuck for ideas to work with your Year 11 Community & Family Studies students?
Want to make every lesson count with your Year 11 CAFS Crew?
In today's Podcast episode, we chat about what you can do to make meaningful connections from the Year 11 Community & Family Studies...
In this episode of The Learning Network Podcast, a podcast for educators, teachers, entrepreneurs and Community and Family Studies students, I am joined by a very special guest, Megan Durham, who shares with us what we can do to protect our time, our energy and our wellbeing.
If you've...
In this episode of The Learning Network Podcast, I will be chatting to you about 5 lessons I have learnt throughout 2022!
This year has been a bit of a different one for me and I just wanted to share some things I have learnt in my personal life and work life as I moved into my 3rd year of...
In this episode of The Learning Network Podcast, I am chatting to you about focusing on what really matters and this time of year!
As we head into the busy end of Term 4 it's important for us to focus on the things that really matter, both as an educator, as a parent, but also as a...
In this episode of The Learning Network Podcast, I am joined by Kell Quarell to talk about creating energy and flow into the end of the year.
This conversation is all about what you can do to move into the busy end of the year with a strong mindset and positive energy!
Kell is a...
This episode of The Learning Network Podcast is going to be all about why we never stopped learning as CAFS teachers.
Even after 18 years of CAFS experience, co-authoring 2 textbooks, marking exams and presenting professional learning for the best part of 12 years, there's always something new to...
In this week's jam packed episode of The Learning Network Podcast we're going to unpack some of the common mistakes that still being made in CAFS, in particular the Research Methodology module.
These common mistakes are part of the reason our kids really struggle in the Research Methodology...
In this week's episode of The Learning Network Podcast, I am joined by courage creator & resilience revolutionary, the appropriately named, Nadine Champion! Nadine is an international speaker, mindset coach, champion kickboxer & martial artist whose mission is to help women...
In this episode of The Learning Network Podcast, I unpack the power of community!
I have connected with so many amazing educators over the last 18 and a half years, both while I taught CAFS & since I began supporting CAFS teachers. I've been around for a while and many...
In this week's episode, I am joined by a very special guest, Sharna Dawson. Sharna has a very extensive 20-year career in education, working as a PDHPE teacher for 8 years before retraining. Sharna found her passion in working with students to discover their careers, so she completed a graduate...
In this episode of The Learning Network Podcast I'm absolutely thrilled to be joined by the beautiful CAFS teacher Jess George-Loulach to chat about some of the misconceptions surrounding CAFS, especially the idea that it is a subject just for girls!
CAFS has so many real world lessons embedded...
In this week's episode of The Learning Network Podcast I share some resources to help you share your love of CAFS!
So if you haven't already worked out, I love CAFS. I love this subject and I fell in love with it back in 2004. I don't really know why or how I can put this into words,...