
Reimagining the PDHPE Syllabus for Health and Movement Science Mar 20, 2024

In this article, we will dive into some insights on mapping the new Health and Movement Science Syllabus to existing resources. With over 16 years in the classroom and extensive experience supporting teachers, I’ll be sharing my strategies for streamlining course development.



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Strategies for Implementing the New Health and Movement Science Syllabus Mar 15, 2024

With the rollout of the new Health and Movement Science (HMS) syllabus in New South Wales schools, teachers are faced with navigating significant changes to content, skills and assessment. In this article, I’m sharing insights and strategies gathered from over 20 years in the classroom to...

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Supporting Health and Movement Science Teachers Mar 13, 2024

As a teacher of 20 years turned coach and mentor who runs memberships and online courses to support Physical Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) and Community and Family Studies (CAFS) teachers, I recently sat down with Stef Love, a PDHPE teacher who is part of my new Health and...

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Navigating the Changing Landscape of PDHPE Syllabi in NSW Mar 06, 2024

Teachers in NSW are facing an unprecedented amount of change as new syllabi are rolled out across different subject areas at a rapid pace. This presents both challenges and opportunities for PDHPE teachers to adapt their practice.

The Elephant in the Room
Many PDHPE teachers are feeling...

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Starting the New School Year Strong - Strategies for PDHPE And Community & Family Studies Teachers Feb 01, 2024

 As a new school year begins, it's important for PDHPE & Community & Family Studies teachers to start off on the right foot. Here are some key things to focus on at the start of term using the six step process in the form of the acronym ACTION. 

Advocate for Yourself
As the...

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Healthy Habits, Happy Classrooms in PDHPE! Jan 31, 2024

 Primary school teachers have a lot on their plates when it comes to curriculum delivery. With constant changes happening across all key learning areas, it can be difficult to keep up and incorporate new requirements into an already busy schedule. Personal Development, Health and...

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Relationships are Everything: 5 Actionable Teaching Strategies Jan 17, 2024

The PDHPE & CAFS Podcast Episode 83 introduces "Relationships are Everything," focusing on the power of trust as the foundation for transformative teaching in your PDHPE and Community and Family Studies classrooms. We'll discuss the impact of trust-building on student resilience and learning,...

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20 Lessons Learned from 20 Years in PDHPE and Community and Family Studies Classroom Jan 12, 2024

In my latest podcast episode, I shared the top 20 teaching tips and lessons I have gathered throughout my extensive 20+ year career in the PDHPE & Community And Family Studies classroom. From building relationships to advocating for self-care, you’ll get a wealth of practical strategies...

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A Sneak Peek at What's in Store for PDHPE & Community and Family Studies within The Learning Network in 2024 Jan 04, 2024

In our latest episode of The PDHPE & CAFS Podcast, I share an exciting sneak peek at our plans and vision for The Learning Network in 2024. As the founder and leader of The Learning Network, I have supported PDHPE and CAFS teachers for nearly four years (after leaving the classroom, but over...

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Making Sense of Your PDHPE & Community and Family Studies HSC Results Dec 14, 2023

As the big day finally arrives and students across NSW receive their HSC results, it's an understandably nerve-wracking time for teachers too. As the culmination of two years of work, these results are a reflection not only of our PDHPE & Community and Family Studies students' efforts, but of...

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Reflecting on the Year with the SOAR Analysis Model - A Framework for Growth Dec 06, 2023

The end of the school year is a natural time for reflection. As the hustle and bustle of term wraps up, it's important to take stock of what worked well and where there is room for improvement. In my recent podcast episode, I shared a structured reflection model called SOAR Analysis to guide...

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Strategies to Avoid Burnout and Thrive as a PDHPE & CAFS Teacher Next Year (and Beyond) Nov 29, 2023

As the end of 2023 approaches, it's easy for PDHPE & CAFS teachers to feel overwhelmed by everything left to do before the holidays. While it's normal to feel stressed this time of year, it's important we also take steps to set ourselves up for success in the new year.

In my latest podcast "5...

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