In this episode, we unpack the importance of analysing your Community and Family Studies HSC Results and practical steps you can use to review data from the 2022 HSC.
The data tells you so much to inform your practice as a teacher and it has certainly had a huge impact on my journey as a Community and Family Studies teacher. So much so, that my signature course Strive has been developed based on the learnings I made in my 16 years in the classroom as a Community and Family Studies teacher.
Doors Open next week for the first time in 2023 and if you would like to grab early access, head to
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Kelly - Intro
Hey hey CAFS crew. Welcome back to my podcast. And you'll probably notice that there's been a fresh new look for this year. It is now called The CAFS Podcast. So a huge welcome to The CAFS Podcast, you're going to get the most amazing gems, tips, strategies, tricks, and lots of goodies inside this podcast to help you and your CAFS crew to save you time, your energy, your well being but also to give you practical strategies to implement into the classroom. And I'm going to be joined with by lots of guests this year, who are going to give you really clear strategies, but also some content to firm up your content around different aspects of our course. So the new law, new socials, new cover, but also new outro and new intro so welcome today to today's podcast episode, we're chatting about how you can use a rap data package to improve your HSC results. And if you don't use rap data yet, or if you like what the hell is wrapped data, please dive into today's podcast episode. And if you're looking at a clear way to improve your kids results, and if you've looked at the HSC results from last year and gone, how the hell are we still not above the state average? How on earth do we not get another you know to get that band seek so that elusive band six or why are our kids still achieving those low you know, band one, two, threes. I am hosting a free webinar next week to show you how to improve your students results using all of my experience from the last 16 years as an HSA marker. So if you would like to jump into that, head over to to check it out to register. And you're going to have the most amazing transformation inside our together next week. And if you're listening to this live, the webinar will be on February the seventh at 8pm 2023. And you'll get the most amazing strategies, tricks hints to help your kids be set up for success. So is where you want to go. Enjoy today's podcast episode.
Hey welcome, you're listening to the CAFS podcast. I'm your host and CAFS coach Kelly Bell. My mission is to support Community and Family Studies teachers like you. Whether you've been thrown in the deep end or you've been doing this for a while, I'm going to save your time, energy and wellbeing by using best practice to improve knowledge, increase empowerment and alleviate stress to help you and your students make meaningful connections across the course. Early on, it was just made a syllabus in a textbook. I had no idea what I was doing trust me. Today I'll share strategic and purposeful application to CAFS from my 16 years experience in the classroom and talk is it's a go to expert across New South Wales. These strategies have been developed for you to increase student motivation, enjoyment, engagement and HSC results. Now I spend my time supporting 1000s of CAFS teachers and students inside The Learning Network through my membership, coaching and mentoring online courses, resources and masterclasses. My dream to help cast teachers full time has become a reality. Together, we'll go and transform your CAFS crew to the next level but without impacting your sleep and wellbeing in the process. If you're ready to teach CAFS with a more strategic approach, so your students love our subjects while achieving the results they want, you're in the right place. To develop their writing and fast track success and improve HSC results, I've developed a free webinar for you to access at the Ready to get started? The CAFS Podcast is your shortcut to simplified strategy to set you and your CAFS students up for success. So tune in, get inspired and let's connect, learn and grow together.
Kelly - Episode body
Hey everyone, and welcome to the CAFS podcast. This is episode number 46. And today we're going to unpack what you can do to analyse your HSC results. Now I know there are still some schools across New South Wales who get the HSC results go okay, well, we got no band sixes, we got a whole heap of band one twos and threes. And they might look at it for a couple of hours and have a chat to their principal about it and then they don't do anything with it, they just roll on to the next year, and continuing to do the same things that they've done forever. Now, if you are in that position, I would love for you to have a conversation with your boss, your principal, your director of curriculum, leadership team, to have a look at your HSC results package. Now what this actually entails is what's called the RAP package. It does stand for results analysis package, and it's housed within the school's online portal. And you have to have access to that every teacher across New South Wales have every right to access the data from the students from the previous year. And you can also see other years as well. So you can go back as far as the subject that was offered at your school. So if you started teaching the course back in 2004, like I did, you will see your results from 2004 and you'll see it tracked and mapped across those years. Now I would love for you to go into that package and see what gems you can kind of uncover within that results package. The RAP analysis package, if you don't have access to it yet, please want to have a conversation with your principal, and so that you would like to have access to the RAP package, as well as the item analysis function within the rap data package. Now, this is something that is like an unsung hero of the RAP package. Many schools just look at, look at it from an overarching perspective to say, look, this is a number of band sixes, where we above the state average below the state average consistently below. How do they go in terms of school based assessment versus HSC? And that's about it. The item analysis gives you a snapshot per question how the kids went.
So for example, if you had Janelle and Janelle, you know, got one out of one for multiple choice for question, one for 2, 3, 4, 5, etc, you can actually track her whole raw mark. So this is another conversation again, we could have a whole podcast episode about this. But many people still believe that the math that the kids get is the actual math they get in the HSC for CAFS, for example, if the kids get, say a 68, on their HSC, they're probably not actually achieving that as a raw mark in the HSC, you need to go back and work out what they've done to get that adjusted that get that moderated mark of a 68 in the HSC. So all of the kids marks what they see up moderated marks, they're not actually the raw math that they receive or achieve for the HSC. But you can work that out, you can work it out by going to the item analysis, and you can have a look at each question how the kids went. So it'll show you like for question one who got you know, who got it correct, who didn't get it correct. And you can work out their roadmap. So the question 22, when you get to that, you can see, okay, it was out of four. This, you know, these kids got four out of four, these kids got three out of four to one and zero and so on. Now, this is a complete tedious, tedious task, I do understand that. But I'd really highly encourage you to do it every single year, to go into your item analysis in your rap package. And to have a look at how the kids went per question.
Now, you have to have access to rap, you have have to have access to the item analysis part of RAP. But I have a spreadsheet for you don't stress. If you head over to The Learning Network Collaborative my Facebook group for CAFS teachers, I have pinned a post there where you'll have access to the spreadsheet that I've developed for last year's HSC for the 2022 HSC. And you can see how the kids went per question and work out what their raw mark is, you can then do some really great analysis if you have two classes, three classes, five classes, in the case where I had a couple of years ago, and we had a look at that we looked at what our averages were we looked at what were some patterns in how our kids went. We looked at maybe with some of the weaknesses of us as educators in our classroom. What did our kids do? Well, that in terms of that particular part of the paper, and so on and so forth. There's so many different gems can be taken from the rat package, especially the item analysis.
So you have two jobs. For me, the first job is to go and have a chat to your boss about how you're going to analyse your HSC results. And I would love for you to ask for access to the RAP package for CAFS. If you teach PDPH, Foodtech, ask for the access to that as well. And then also asked for the item analysis function. Because you have the your boss has to take that to say that you have access to that you have a right to do that, go and advocate for yourself and have that conversation because it gives you direct feedback about what you can do to move forward in your journey. What you can do as a CAFS teacher to help your kids improve.
Now I'm going to be so honest with you guys, and I have some things that I can share with you. Finally, after 16 years really, I have marked the HSC for 16 years, I can now say this openly because I'm no longer bound by a contract with NESA. So I've marked for 16 years for about I think, maybe 10 of those. I was what's called a senior marker, which means like you're like you're a head marker of a team of markers. And then I was appointed the supervisor of marking the head HSC marker for CAFS back in 2018. So I've been the leader of the CAFS HSC operation, marking operation since 2018. And as the SOM as a supervisor of marking, you have a five year contract with NESA, and after that time, you get booted out, you get rolled and someone else takes over that role so I am no longer the SOM. I have absolutely loved my marking experience journey and I I haven't learned what I've learned without it. Everything I share with you, every masterclass I write, every webinar I write, every booklet I develop is all with that in mind. Now, I know that's a big secret. Because you're bound by that contract, you can't really say publicly that you're HSC marker for lots of reasons. But because I'm not a HSC marker, now, I can actually publicly say that, and I feel very, very blessed to be to obviously be chosen, although all those years back then to be successfully, you know, chosen to do marking, it's really easy to apply. And I started marking in 2007. And it completely changed my career. I remember kind of applying also anyone that would have been my fourth year of teaching, like, you have to be teaching for a few years now, guys, so don't be so cocky like I was for some reason, back then. I was young, don't judge me, I applied and I got marking. And then I think four years into the piece, I was appointed as a senior marker. And I loved leading other markers in the experience, I love marking marking is my thing, I'm a pretty quick marker. I remember, my good friend is Hodges actually saying to someone at some point that they thought I might have been a speed reader because I, I just loved it, I loved being able to look at the marking guidelines, and make a judgement on how our kids went according to those guidelines, as well as the statewide standards.
So look, I will have other podcast episodes around marking and what you can do, and all that sort of stuff. But I want to share with you guys today the importance of that RAP package because it gives you an insight into your teaching. I think it's more about you than the kids. Yet, it's great to get some feedback about how your cohort has gone from one year to the next. But it gives you a snapshot in terms of how you go as a teacher, what are your strengths? What are your weaknesses or challenges? What are the areas that you need to do to improve? So I'd love for you to have a look at your RAP package this year with those fresh eyes to say, Okay, what am I doing? Well use my wind feedback strategy. What am I doing well, what improvements do I need to make as a teacher in the classroom with my kids? And what are the necessary actions that I'm going to actually adopt to improve my practice? Because head on heart, I believe that the RAP package gives you an insight into your practice into your teaching, and it becomes data informed practice. You're making decisions around what actually happens.
So in the past, when I first started teaching, as I said, 2004 I've told you guys before I then, in my first year we got to band sixes. I don't know how, I was planning a wedding. And we got married that year as well. Our beautiful Labrador honey, she had puppies. And we were kind of raising them as we moved into a new house, as we kind of then bought our first home together got married, so it was an absolute hectic time for us when I first started teaching, and I don't know how my CAFS kids went. Don't tell my ex boss all the way back at 18, you know, 19 years ago. But the kids got through, they got some good results. I got to band sixes in 2005. But I had no idea what I was doing. I had the syllabus, I had the textbook. But apart from that I had no idea about how to structure a sentence, how to write a paragraph, how to use peel, how to use a glossary of key words. I had no idea. So just teach the content and have a discussion with the kids. That's how I taught I have no idea how those two girls Ange and Ange, and I've probably shared my stories with those two girls before, but Ange and Ange both good and six. Then we jumped to 2006 and I had a beautiful cohort. I started at Nagle with them. They're lovely. I had them for pass in eunan intern and then in your sorry year 11 as CAFS kids and then yeah, the HSC obviously was 2006. And I remember in our classroom, it was literally like the dingy us classroom in the school. It was up two floors. It was like an old English storeroom so you could imagine how tiny it was it had one little window. It was like a dog box. It was me like at the front, front and centre. And there was two rows of our kids. We'd like you know, those crappy old plastic cream tables were the kids would graffiti all over them. That's what we had in the room. And I remember thinking to myself, Okay, well, I don't know how it worked out but I knew that these Glossary of key words, but I went okay, the kids need to know these. I don't know who told me someone told me and I thought I'm going to put these words in the back and I'm going to make the word CAFS in pink fluro letters.
So that's what I did eliminated all the glossary of key words. Just the word no definition. No scaffold, no. sentence starters. No I think so I just had you know, CAFS at the back from these Glossary of key words. And my kids would recall them. So I would, you know, shout the names. Hey, Lauren, like, what's an example of this? You know, give me a definition for analyse Chanel, give me an example of what it would look like to outline something. And my kids could really kind of recall what the words were. But they couldn't show me what they actually looked like in the answer. Why didn't they do that? Because I didn't teach them. I didn't teach them explicitly about those words. I didn't actually unpack them for them. I just taught the words, but I didn't actually show them what they actually knew. I realised that I wasn't being explicit enough, I wasn't actually teaching those words directly to the kids, because I didn't really know them. I'm not sure about you. But if you've ever been in a position where you're kind of, you're fumbling your way through, and you think that you're teaching the right thing, but you may not actually be hitting the mark. So it gave my kid some idea about what the words like they could recall what they were, but not actually what they were, you know, at a deeper level. So my kids, I reckon, until I started HSC marking until I saw that they had to have these Glossary of key words in their answers, to actually unpack them in their response.
So for a long time, after I discovered that I realised that actually needed to strip my content right back and I teach this now, inside The CAFS collective, my CAFS membership. I also explicitly teaches within Strive and Strive is my signature course, where I teach you guys I teach teachers about how you can improve student writing to improve HSC results without actually sacrificing your class time. So explicitly what I teach inside show to show people this is how you model it. This is how you unpack it. This is how to use explain terms within your your answer to show the market and to prove them to the marker, you're actually doing that work, because the content will only get you a part way there. And I share this with you guys inside my webinar, which I'm hosting next week on Tuesday. If you're listening to this live February, the 7th 2023. If you head over to, I'm hosting a webinar to show you what this looks like on the ground. If you've never done HSC marking before, even if you are fairly experienced, there are still some senior market some lead, you know some lead markers out there who still don't realise the importance of the glossary of key words.
I remember even back in 2019, possibly what was my second last cohort through, beautiful kids, I loved them a load to the class. They had such a good vibe. They were challenging to start with. I actually took over that class from another beautiful colleague at the school. She was a bit older than me. The kids really just didn't get along with her. And I thought I said as a head teacher. All right. I'm going to take them on for Year 12. I love a good challenge. I'll take them on and she's like, Alright, cool. You can have them just have them. A few of the kids were really, really struggling. They were finding it hard to come to school and I hated CAFS. So Kelly comes into the class, I had a red door, which I hate red if you haven't, if you didn't know, I hate red. And like it was the most disgusting classroom. It had graffiti everywhere. It had old school images that they had painted on the wall. It wasn't the most conducive to learning, I quickly put it into a bit of a bit of a spring clean. And we had standup desks at the time. So I had all these standup desks that I that I got for our our classroom, I had standup desks and I remember doing like a revision lesson just before trials. And the kids had come such a long way they had improved significantly over the year. I've really got to know them. I loved them. I loved the class. They always had such good energy and such a good vibe. They were really great kids. And in this particular lesson, it was buzzing. They were chatting it was you know one of those lessons that you look back and go, God I nailed that. Like it was an awesome lesson. So it was going really well until Em came into the classroom. And where have you been? She was doing something I don't know what she was working on. Something for something, maybe application for uni, I think and Em came in. She's like armies what are we doing today? So we'll actually Em we're just going to do some some really deep stuff on the glossary of key words of how important they are. And we do this activity where I've got the kids to stand up to match up the glossary of key words like in the definition and the type of words you use. Within that word to show the market you're actually doing that word, and I got them to kind of like do a bit of a visual around that. And Em said she looked at me, her you know, beautiful blue eyes and said, Miss, why have you told us told us this before? And like Em, where the hell have you been for the last, you know, 10 months, nine months? I've taught you guys yes. I realised that I actually wasn't teaching it explicitly enough. Like, I was teaching it, well, I was modelling it on the board, we would unpack particular questions, I would show them what to do. But I don't think I was giving them enough practice.
Now, I'm not sure if you've ever been in that position before we like I think the kids have got it. And then they say something to you like, All right, back to square one. So we then had to do a lot of kind of unpacking around. Okay, well, this is what explain means. Here's an explain question, how do you break it down? What are the steps to actually, you know, to break that particular question down. So, we did a lot in that, that three or four weeks just before the end of the term in term three, to get my kids on track. Now Em was a beautiful student, she was hard working great kid, and a little bit lazy. At times, her attendance dropped a lot towards the back end of the HSC course. And look, I thought she kind of was going into the HSC with maybe, maybe a high band three, low band four maybe. And as a result of lots of work she did in the holidays, and obviously working with me with a clear scaffold clear systems, she actually snagged snagged a really high band five, she wasn't like super close to a six. But she got, you know, maybe in the mid 80s, which I was like, That is amazing. You have seen something explicitly taught to you, you've implemented those steps, you've got to know it, you've had lots of practice. And now he's the result. So Em is a great success story, all of those girls, that particular year, we got no band six in that class, we had a lot, I had a lot of room to kind of try to get them up to speed, we had no band ones, I think all the kids got a band four and above, I think, we were, you know, way above the state average, a cohort was great. It did have a few other kids and other classes. But you can't control that necessarily.
But I realised that from that point, I needed to break every single thing down for my kids, I needed to give them clear scaffolds, I needed to ensure that they really nailed those questions. And we were at a big senior campus. So we didn't have them in the 9 to 10 or the 7 to 10. So we were starting from the backfoot to start with. So really showing the kids how to use peel how to unpack it. And then explicitly use a glossary of key words to prove to the marker that we're actually doing that word because it has a huge impact on the kids results.
And if you'd like to see what that looks like and like to say, the scaffolds and the templates and the resources that I've developed to help you get the kids to where they need to be, I'm hosting a free webinar, as I mentioned before, next week on Tuesday, February 7 2023. If you head to, you'll have access to a whole hour with me. And I'll unpack what I've learned in the last 16 years as HSC marker. But what I've learned more importantly about explicitly teaching and explicit explicitly teaching skills, rather than focusing on content all the time. So if you'd like to join us, the low forward slash result is where you need to go. And if you're a newbie, please come along. If you have a PE colleague, please invite them I'd very much love them to come and join us to see what it's like. Because all the strategies and templates and resources that I'm sharing with you can be explicitly used in other classes as well as well through tech. That's that type of thing as well. is where you need to go. But I'd love to hear from you how your rapid analysis has been going whether you've started or haven't. And if you want to grab that spreadsheet. If you just head over to the Learning Network collaborative and Facebook, the Facebook group, you'll have access to that. So thank you so much for the start of the year of what you've done so far for your kids. And please reach out come and find me on Instagram, and we can have a chat about what you can do to improve your kids results for next year.
Kelly - Outro
This podcast was brought to you by The CAFS Collective, which is only CAFS membership providing ongoing support to CAFS teachers across New South Wales. Check it out at along with so many free resources to support your CAFS journey. If you love today's episode, please share it with your colleagues. Take a screenshot and tag me on Instagram! Don't forget to stay connected by subscribing to Apple podcasts or Spotify and if you devoured today's episode, I'll be so honoured if you could please leave me a review. Come and say hi, send me a DM on Instagram so we can work together in one of my courses, resources masterclasses, coaching & mentoring or membership. I'm Kelly Bell. See you again next week. Let's continue to connect, learn and grow together to make a huge impact on the students we teach.
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Community and Family Studies.

I acknowledge and pay my respects to the
traditional custodians on whose land I walk, work & live.
This land was and always will be the land of the First Nations People.